VRF Advantages

VRF VRV Advantages

VRF Advantages

      1. Heat Recovery units can utilize heat removed from zones providing cooling to heating zones requiring heat.
      2. VRF systems take up less room than other system types, freeing up valuable mechanical room space for other purposes.
      3. Reduced usage of ductwork and the space required for moving air around the building.VRF Advantages - Space Requirements
      4. Historical buildings with limited space for air ducts and to minimize disruption of architectural features.
      5. In commercial retrofit projects, it’s possible that all the VRF equipment can be brought into the building with use of the elevators, avoiding costly cranes or rigging.
      6. Increase in energy efficiency with the elimination of large supply air fans. Requirement for DOAS may negate some of this advantage, but OSA ventilation will require smaller ducts and fans.
      7. Smaller and lighter equipment on the roof can mean less structural requirements than other system types.
      8. Using VRF in new construction reduces the need for large air ducts allowing for the possible reduction in building height.
      9. Quiet operation of the VRF indoor units and Outdoor units.
      10. Possible LEED® points for energy efficiency.
      11. Variable speed compressors for increased efficiency at part load.
      12. If using more than one outdoor unit twinned together, one can be down for maintenance while the other is still running.
      13. Modular design allows for easier expansion.
      14. Lighter roof mounted equipment than conventional HVAC equipment requires a smaller crane, thereby reducing rigging cost.
      15. Using a VRF Heat Recovery System avoids having to have two separate system and pieces of equipment to maintain, a Chiller for chilled water and a Boiler for heating hot water.

    Please email us other VRF advantages of using this technology on projects that can be added to this list.

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