Variable Refrigerant Flow (VRF) Air Conditioning is a fast growing segment of the US market. Are you ready to profit from this market growth? Everything you need to get ready for this expansion of the VRF Air Conditioning market can be found here.
When to use a VRF Heat Pump vs VRF Heat Recovery System
VRF Heat Pump or Heat Recovery (How to choose between a VRF Heat Pump or Heat Recovery System) or Packaged DX
Scroll to the bottom if you prefer...
VRF Compressor Types
The compressor is the heart of the system and is located within the Outdoor Unit which can be an air or water-cooled VRF system. The Outdoor Unit will serve multiple indoor units...
What is VRF?
VRF Wizard provides all information about Variable Refrigerant Flow (VRF) technology. We cover everything you need to know about installation, cost estimation, project tracking concerning VRF systems. Continue reading to learn what a VRF system is all...
Refrigerant Recovery Machine Reviews
The following Refrigerant Recovery Machines are listed in alphabetical order.
Appion G1 Review
Appion G1 Review
Appion G1 Features
Refrigerant Recovery Machines
Refrigerant Recovery Speed
Using the 80/20 rule, where we assume that 80% of the refrigerant recovered will be in vapor form and 20% will be recovered in liquid, we...
CoolAutomation CoolMasterNet – SMART VRF
There is a way to connect your VRF or VRV system into your home or building automation system using the CoolAutomation CoolMasterNet plug and play device. This device allows you to have...
VRF System Controller
Find comparison on VRF System Central Controllers for all major manufactures. Daikin, Carrier, Toshiba, Panasonic, Mitsubishi, Trane, York, LG, Fujitsu, Lennox,
The following...
Engineering Videos
The latest in VRF videos about the VRF Industry, VRF Equipment and VRF Systems
VRF Project Cost Tracker
How Much does a VRF System Cost per Ton ($/Ton) or per Square Foot ($/Ft2)? How many Ft2/Ton should you figure? How much does the Electrical Cost per Indoor...
ZoomLock Cost Analysis
ZoomLock Cost Analysis
Determining if there is value in using a press-fit joint such as ZoomLock™ requires that you look at several factors that impact cost and quality. We covered...
VRF Manufacture Comparison
VRF Manufacture Comparison
With so many VRF manufactures to compare, it’s hard to decipher all the variations between systems. Below you'll find a comparison of VRF manufactures such as, Daikin,...
VRF Case Studies USA
VRF Case Studies USA
The following links are for VRF case studies USA from various VRF manufactures. Also see the following for links to VRF Project Videos or VRF Case...
VRF Project Videos – USA
VRF Project Videos
Below are links to VRF project videos based on building type and VRF system description. Clink on the building name to watch a video about the project.
When to use a VRF Heat Pump vs VRF Heat Recovery System
VRF Heat Pump or Heat Recovery (How to choose between a VRF Heat Pump or Heat Recovery System) or Packaged DX
Scroll to...
VRF Compressor Types
The compressor is the heart of the system and is located within the Outdoor Unit which can be an air or water-cooled VRF system. The Outdoor Unit...
What is VRF?
VRF Wizard provides all information about Variable Refrigerant Flow (VRF) technology. We cover everything you need to know about installation, cost estimation, project tracking concerning VRF systems. Continue reading to learn what...
Refrigerant Recovery Machine Reviews
The following Refrigerant Recovery Machines are listed in alphabetical order.
Appion G1 Review
Appion G1 Review
Refrigerant Recovery Machines
Refrigerant Recovery Speed
Using the 80/20 rule, where we assume that 80% of the refrigerant recovered will be in vapor form and 20% will...
CoolAutomation CoolMasterNet – SMART VRF
There is a way to connect your VRF or VRV system into your home or building automation system using the CoolAutomation CoolMasterNet plug and play device. This...