VRF Heat Pump or Heat Recovery (How to choose between a VRF Heat Pump or Heat Recovery System) or Packaged DX Scroll to the bottom if you prefer to watch the video.

VRF Compressor Types

The compressor is the heart of the system and is located within the Outdoor Unit which can be an air or water-cooled VRF system. The Outdoor Unit will serve multiple indoor units with each VRF manufacture limiting...
what is vrf variable refrigerant flow

What is VRF?

VRF Wizard provides all information about Variable Refrigerant Flow (VRF) technology. We cover everything you need to know about installation, cost estimation, project tracking concerning VRF systems. Continue reading to learn what a VRF system is all about. A VRF...
The following Refrigerant Recovery Machines are listed in alphabetical order. Appion G1 Review Appion G1 Review Appion G1 Features • The Appion G1 is...
Refrigerant Recovery Speed Using the 80/20 rule, where we assume that 80% of the refrigerant recovered will be in vapor form and 20% will be recovered in liquid, we have created the following chart....
ZoomLock Max vs RLS

RLS vs ZoomLock Max

On August 13, 2020, the inventor and manufacturer of the original ZoomLock fittings – RLS, LLC – announced it was ending its relationship with Parker-Hannifin and will no longer supply its fittings to Parker to sell under...
SmartLock Fitting

SmartLock Fitting

SmartLock Fitting Review There is another ACR fitting available that eliminates brazing in refrigerant systems called the SmartLock fitting. We will review the SmartLock fitting vs Brazed fittings in this article.
Should you install a VRF Heat Recovery or VRF Heat Pump system for a Residential home or commercial property? We will discuss three options you have related to air-cooled split systems, not including rooftop...
Is your building too dry inside, thereby providing life sustaining low humidity levels for the Coronavirus or other viruses to live? Researchers at Yale identify low Relative Humidity as a potential culprit in sustaining the...
Why its important to purge ACR piping in a VRF system
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